Online Giving

Our online giving platform is run through a faith based company called Planning Center Online. This company is safe, easy to use, and has the best rates for church giving and processing of online giving. You can setup a login with an email to ensure safety and access to your giving profile, as well as setup recurring donations to fit your schedule.

We recommend giving online via ACH donation with your banking information (routing number and account number). This way, only charges 30 cents per donation, regardless of size. If you choose to use Credit/Debit, there is a 2.3% donation processing fee.

The heart behind why we give

(2 Cor 9:6-15)

As Christ’s followers, we live in alignment with God’s word and the ways of Jesus. Throughout scripture, we see the theology that our resources are not ours to own but God’s to manage. When we give back to the local church or missions, we are saying that we don’t hold these resources to be for us and only us; we see that we can leverage what God has given us to be used for his glory and the joy for the local church.

Generosity with our resources is the way of Jesus. Sacrificial generosity lessens the hold on our hearts and minds that our culture models, telling the world we can’t be bought.

There is not a set percentage of tithe that is required, but scripture points to a tenth part or 10% of wages as an encouragement. My heart as your pastor is to encourage you to pray and to just start to give, even if it’s a fraction of a percent.

If you pray and ask God about it and are faithful in what you give, you will see God’s provision. We don’t give to get in return; we give because God first gave his Son as a ransom for our sins, and we respond with thanks and praise through our worship and giving.

Every gift is good and a blessing. If you are a part of this church financially, thank you for your gift and for responding to God's goodness with what you have been given to be a steward of. Your giving is changing people's lives for generations to come as we saturate Shelton with Life-giving Disciples of Jesus!

-Pastor Cooper